The armies were so exasperated against each other on account of the privations and hardships which each compelled the other to suffer, that they felt too strong a mutual distrust to attempt any regular communication by commissioners or ambassadors appointed for the purpose.The camp fires of the preceding croossing fraction multiplying night were moldering away, for it was a warm summer morning the intrenchments were guarded, and the tents, now nearly empty, stood extended in long rows within the inclosure.Caesar then told him to open the doors, or he would kill him on the spot.This conference was thus held, but each party came to it accompanied by croossing fraction multiplying a considerable body of attendants, and these, as might have been anticipated, came into open collision while the discussion was pending thus the meeting consequently ended in violence and disorder, each party accusing the other of violating the faith which both had plighted.The messages of encouragement and of urgency which he sent across to them did not bring them over, and at length, one dark and stormy night, when he thought that the inclemency of the skies and the heavy surging of the swell in the offing would drive his vigilant enemies into places of shelter, and put them off their guard, he determined to cross the sea himself and bring his hesitating army over.And you must understand, he added, that it will be easier for me to do it croossing fraction multiplying than it has been to say it.As soon as the war broke out, Caesar gave them all his free permission to go over to Pompey's side, if they chose to do so.Caesar's force was yet quite small, as he had been accompanied by only a single legion croossing fraction multiplying in crossing the river.Victory would legitimize and confirm the authority of one, and make it supreme over the whole civilized world.Each one of the great rivals knew croossing fraction multiplying very well that his defeat in one general battle would be his utter and irretrievable ruin.Caesar advanced along the coast with the troops which he had landed, driving Pompey's troops before him, and subduing town after town as he advanced.The country was full of rumors in respect to Caesar's power, and the threatening attitude which he was assuming, while they who had insisted on croossing fraction multiplying resistance seemed, after all, to have provided very inadequate means with which to resist.In the mean time, he had fortified himself strongly in the city.Caesar thus gained croossing fraction multiplying undisputed possession of the camp.They remained, therefore, in anxiety and distress, on the Italian shore.