The following laconic and characteristic order was issued by the First Consul to Lannes and Murat Gather your forces at the river Stradella.Bullets respect not ct home interior beauty.The plenipotentiary presented to Napoleon a letter, in which the Emperor stated, You will give credit to every thing which Count Julien shall say on my part.At ct home interior St.The disordered troops will rally in your rear.I ct home interior will ratify whatever he shall do.He assigned to the heroic Massena the command of this triumphant host, and ordering all the forts and citadels which blocked the approaches from France to be blown up, set out, on the 24th of June, for his return to Paris.More than twenty thousand human bodies were strewn upon the ground, the ct home interior dying and the dead, weltering in gore, and in every conceivable form of disfiguration.The soul longs for clearer vision of that far distant world, people by the innumerable host of the mighty dead.The people of England, notwithstanding all the efforts of the government to defame the character of the First Consul, still cherished the conviction that, after ct home interior all, Napoleon was their friend.