Lee viewing from the platform the country through which they were speeding.The old man marcus gunn phenomena was very joyful.She tore it open with fingers trembling with excitement.He looked down at the bright marcus gunn phenomena face.They must go to Camp Meyer and to Arlington and to Mount Vernon and be sure to see Washington's swords! And the White House china, Mrs.Wouldn't you have thought marcus gunn phenomena the old thing would have at least given Billy a reward! cried Peggy indignantly.Peggy! Peg gy! CHAPTER XXII KEINETH'S GIFT Twenty five dollars! To Keineth it seemed like a fortune! She had never thought much about money.Lee had come home and marcus gunn phenomena asked the children what would be the biggest surprise they could imagine! Of course they had guessed all sorts of things and he had teased them for quite a little while over it! Then, very quietly, he had said Do you think you would like to make a little trip to Washington? Keineth had not been able to speak.At the other end, close to a table, sat an old, old man.At the hotel after breakfast Keineth's father opened his trunk and took from it a box marcus gunn phenomena of gifts he had collected from every country he had visited.They are blue like hers were! Child, years and years ago I loved a young girl very much and she taught me to love music! But she went out of my life and left me with nothing but loneliness! Keineth thought of the great empty house and felt very sorry for him.Randolph marcus gunn phenomena smiled.She supposed Peggy and the others had all they wanted, too.The new marcus gunn phenomena clothes had to be purchased.