It might have been a single accidental error.4 elliots hardware store dallas.Now, in such a case as this, for it is, except in the principles which it is intended to illustrate, imaginary, a very strong interest would be awakened in the class, in the work assigned them.Another teacher, hearing the same lesson, requests the boys to bring their elliots hardware store dallas slates, and as he dictates the words, one after another, requires all to write them.The teacher who tries such an experiment as this, will find, at such a juncture, an expression of fixed and pleased attention upon every countenance in school.Suppose they are all attentive and desirous elliots hardware store dallas of learning, it is very plain that the process may be explained to the whole at once, so that half an hour spent in that exercise, would enable a very large proportion of them to understand the subject., for nominative.Try to be careful elliots hardware store dallas next time.I have no pencil said the boy.Now suppose that three hundred pupils, all ignorant of the method of reducing fractions to a common denominator, and yet elliots hardware store dallas all old enough to learn, are collected in one room.