The Spanish Fleet makes a Dash from the Harbor.Forward Deck of Dynamite Gun Vessel calculus simpsons rule Vesuvius.Rear Admiral William Thomas Sampson.Forward calculus simpsons rule Turret of Monitor Terror.The Last Volley of the War.An calculus simpsons rule Eye witness' Story.Oldham.And so when some hours calculus simpsons rule later the chief fortress surrendered, the merciless buccaneer locked its garrison in the guard room, set a torch to the magazine, and sent castle and garrison flying into the air.Puerto del Principe yielded up to them three hundred thousand pieces of eight, five hundred head of cattle, and many prisoners.Rear Admiral calculus simpsons rule George Dewey.Having gathered his band, procured provisions (chiefly by plundering), and built a fleet of boats, Morgan put his forces in motion.Gallop was then in calculus simpsons rule a quandary.Barney Regains his Ship.