To the Greeks the Russians were indebted for their religion, their civilization and their social culture.Some beach crop circles of the chiefs rode slowly around the ramparts, examining the ditch, the walls, the height of the towers, and selected the most favorable spot for commencing the assault.Sadly the chieftains dispersed over the plain to search for him among the dead.The intellect of the beach crop circles dying prince was unclouded, and, with much fortitude, in a long interview, he bade adieu to his wife and his children.It was early in September when he commenced this retrograde march.Strife beach crop circles on the Banks of the Oka.The Lithuanians, united with Poland, were incessant in their endeavors to extend the triumph of their arms over the Russian provinces and the Tartar hordes again swept Russia with the most horrible devastation.The joy of the Russians was almost delirious and no one thought even of pursuing a foe, who without arriving within sight of the beach crop circles banners of the grand prince, or without hearing the sound of his war trumpets, had fled as in a panic.After a long exploration, two soldiers found him in the midst of a heap of the slain.Lithuania Embraces beach crop circles Christianity.In the midst of calamities and lamentations, Vassali approached his grave.On the 14th beach crop circles of March, 1462, Vassali terminated his eventful and tumultuous life, at the age of forty seven.Vassali received the city of Vologda in appanage, to which he retired, with his family, and with the nobles and bishops who still adhered to him.