Then Rollo took up a stone, and tossed it up into the air, saying, And I can reach as high as that.I dudes gay young can see it open, and of course the squirrel is not there.They fixed the trap on the end of the log, and Jonas observed, as he sat on the log, that he could see the barn chamber window through a little opening among the trees.Then they began to think dudes gay young of the wigwam again.There, you have lost it, said James.O, then dudes gay young we have caught him, said the boys, capering about.FIRES IN THE WOODS.Did you remember your dudes gay young reading lesson this morning? Why, no, said Rollo, looking a little confused.We will make the window as you want it, James, said Rollo I am willing.What is it? dudes gay young said Jonas.