Ptolemy, on the other hand, was overwhelmed with joy at finding his daughter his captive.The Alexandrians determined on raising Berenice to the throne in her father's place, as soon as peak performance omaha ne his flight was known.Antony was quick to perceive the object of the treasurer's maneuver.Accordingly, when the battle was over, while the mind of Ptolemy might, as we should naturally expect, be chiefly occupied by the fact that his daughter was made a captive, Antony's, peak performance omaha ne we might suppose, would be engrossed by the tidings that his friend had been slain.Ptolemy was obliged to suppress his resentment and submit.He peak performance omaha ne accepted the proposals, came to Egypt, and he and Berenice were married.The whole party accordingly re embarked on board their galleys, and pursued their way to Rome.The very faults of such peak performance omaha ne a man assume often, in the eyes of the world, the guise and semblance of virtues.Ptolemy's treachery.It was in the midst of the scenes, and surrounded by the influences which might be expected to prevail in the families of such a father and such a sister, that Cleopatra spent those years of life in peak performance omaha ne which the character is formed.