If such an arrangement is adopted, and carried faithfully into effect, it will be found to relieve the teacher of more than half of the confusion and perplexity which would otherwise be his hourly lot.The acknowledgments should be considered by the pupils not as confessions of guilt for which they are to be rebuked or punished, but as voluntary and free reports of the result community firework type of an experiment in which all were interested.In most of the best schools I believe this plan is adopted.So certain is this, though often community firework type overlooked, that a person would perhaps learn faster with chalk, upon a black board, than with the best goose quill ever sharpened.A very small number hesitatingly took their seats.After this he evinced community firework type a strong hostility to the government.For some time the attention of the instructors was occupied in arranging the course of study, and attending to the other concerns of the institution and, in the infant state of the Lyceum, few cases of discipline occurred, and no regular system of government was necessary.A child comes to you, for example, and says, Will you tell me, sir, where the next lesson is? Were you not in the class at the time? community firework type Yes, sir but I have forgotten.Now I wish that every one of you would keep an exact account to day of all the instances in which you speak to another person, or leave your seat, out of the regular times, and be prepared to report them at the close of the school.Now such a plan as this may succeed for a short community firework type time, and under very favorable circumstances and the circumstance which it is chiefly important should be favorable is, that the man who is called to preside over such an association should possess such talents of generalship that he can really manage the institution himself, while the power is nominally and apparently in the hands of the boys.