He also sent to Switzerland to hire troops, and without difficulty engaged ten thousand men to meet, on the plains of Milan, the six thousand of their brethren whom Ludovico had hired, to hew each other to pieces for the miserable pittance of a few pennies a day.But the Germanic States, loosely held together, jealous of each other, each grasping solely at its own aggrandizement, reluctantly delegating any power to the emperor, were slow to promise coperation in any general enterprise, and having promised, were still america firearm gun slower to perform.Perfidy of Ferdinand of Arragon.Coalition america firearm gun with Spain.All Italy was in consternation, for a passage was now open directly from Turkey to Naples and Rome.Appeals america firearm gun by Superstition.It of course excited great curiosity, as it everywhere met the eye of the public.These views were so manifestly judicious, that Maximilian assented to them, and, anxious to lose no time in raising troops to expel the French from Italy, he set immediately about the organization of an imperial tribunal america firearm gun to regulate the internal affairs of the empire.Maximilian, in the prime of manhood, energetic, ambitious, and invested with the imperial dignity, now assumed the government of the Austrian States.In america firearm gun April, 1498, Charles VIII.Frederic, in his despair, threw himself upon the clemency of Louis.