But still there is a certain degree of civilization in which the monotony of life is relieved by such adventures.And this was bedding linen sand not the result of thought, of any political or moral principle.A council was held, and it was deemed best to divide their forces.We were all so furious, writes Crockett, that even the certainty of a pretty hard fight could not bedding linen sand have restrained us.All were in his view equal.A few small, broken bands of hostile, yet bedding linen sand despairing Creeks, fled back from Florida into the wilds of Alabama.The exploring party consisted, as we have mentioned, of nearly two hundred Indians, and sixteen white men.They then fired off the gun bedding linen sand of the Creek who was killed, and one of them uttered the war whoop which was heard by the rest of the party.Several Indian children were playing around, and the man and woman whom they had before seen were still beating their roots.But such a march as this, bedding linen sand of woe begone, emaciate, skeleton bands, is not to be counted as among war's pomps and glories.As they were creeping along through the forest, they found two Indians, who they said were Creeks, out hunting.Not a little to Crockett's disappointment, he learned that Pensacola was bedding linen sand already captured.