I'll jump off, and look at the track, said Jonas.Franco bounded forward a few steps over the smooth and icy road, and then he turned round, and stood in the middle of the road, car sam suzuki swope used facing Jonas, and looking very much astonished.What's that? asked Josey.Get home! said Jonas, in a car sam suzuki swope used stern and severe tone get home! and he stamped with his foot upon the ground, and looked at Franco with a countenance of displeasure.Oliver had so much more prudence and discretion, and being, besides, a little larger than Josey, made Jonas think that he was older.Yes, and car sam suzuki swope used about commanding too, said Jonas.Some boys are very domineering and authoritative in their manner.I went car sam suzuki swope used in and got it when you and Oliver were unloading.Franco looked first at her, and then at Jonas, who was standing in the door way, as if at a loss to know what to do.Franco stopped too, and looked car sam suzuki swope used up at Jonas.The next morning, however, when he went out into the stable to give the cattle some hay, he found Franco in his old place, under the General's crib.Yes, Jonas, said the farmer, you may car sam suzuki swope used have him for your dog till the owner comes and claims him.