Debate among the generals.A debate ensued, in which the eternal enmity and dissension between the Athenian and melbourne transport info Peloponnesian Greeks broke out anew.Xerxes could discern every ship, and follow it with his eye in all its motions.There was, however, melbourne transport info now some reason for the disagreement.The Athenian ships which were near, seeing Artemisia's galley thus engaged, supposed that it was one of their own, and pressed on, leaving the vessel of Damasithymus at Artemisia's mercy.Mardonius finally proposed that, even if the king should think it best to return himself to Susa, he should not abandon the enterprise of subduing Greece, but that he should leave a portion of the army under his (Mardonius's) charge, and he would undertake, he said, to complete the work which had been so successfully melbourne transport info begun.He did so, and then, before coming to a final decision, he determined to confer with Artemisia.She immediately caused her own Persian flag to be pulled down, and, resorting to such other artifices as might tend to make her vessel appear to be a Greek galley, melbourne transport info she began to act as if she were one of the pursuers instead of one of the pursued.That advice is always very welcome which makes the course that we had previously decided upon as the most agreeable seem the most wise.There were, however, no such causes in this case to obstruct the observations which Xerxes was making from his throne on the melbourne transport info shore.