When baked upon a shingle and placed before the coals, it was termed Journey Cake, so called because it could be so speedily prepared.The Lieutenant Governor under constitutional law study guide the Spanish crown, who resided at St.It probably was a suggestion of Colonel Boone that a council might be held with the Indian chiefs, and a treaty formed by which prisoners should be exempted from torture and exchanged, as in civilized warfare.But here they were embarrassed by the consideration that they had no legal power to make this movement, and that the whole question, momentous as it was and constitutional law study guide demanding immediate action, must be referred to the State Government, far away beyond the mountains.The cloud of menaced Indian invasion had passed away, when suddenly the sheriff appears in Boone's little cabin, and informs him that his title to his land is disputed, and that legal proceedings were commenced against him.As day after day they accompanied him in the chase, and night after night sat by constitutional law study guide the blaze of his cabine fire, related to him the adventures they had encountered far away beyond the Mississippi, the spirit of his youth revived within him.Yates, alarmed by the report of the gun, came running back.Colonel Boone, ejected from his lands and thus left penniless, felt keenly the wrongs which were constitutional law study guide inflicted upon him.The Spanish authorities appointed him Commandant of the district, which was an office of both civil and military power.Rowan immediately ordered the two boats to be lashed firmly constitutional law study guide together.