Eh? Furiously the red blood mounted into the Young Man's cheeks.Already on one of the roans Eve Edgarton sat perched with her bridle rein oddly slashed in two, and knotted, each raw end to a stirrup, leaving her hands and arms still perfectly free festival gathering global miami to hug her mysterious books and papers to her breast.Where in thunder would a fellow like me start out to find a story book girl? A real girl, I mean! Almost anywhere outside yourself, murmured the Older Man blandly.Barton, drawled Eve Edgarton, festival gathering global miami scarcely above a whisper.Oh, no no! Not for a minute! denied the Older Man.I don't know anything about when you were a tiny child, affirmed Barton with festival gathering global miami some vehemence.Eh? 'Senile'? Twenty? Sure! grinned the Older Man.Surely then it's no particular personal glory to you that your friend Miss Von Eaton's energy cavorts perpetually in the gold of her hair or the blue of her festival gathering global miami eyes, because rain or shine, congeniality or noncongeniality, her energy hasn't any other place to go.There was only one really good riding road in that vicinity! And it was shady! And, thank Heaven, it was most inordinately short! But Eve Edgarton falsified the thought before he was half through thinking it.U m m, mused the Older festival gathering global miami Man thoughtfully.M.So festival gathering global miami taken all in all, he drawled still beamingly, there's nothing in the world at this particular moment, Mr.Though you searched a thousand years! A 'real girl'? Bah! You wouldn't know a 'real girl' if you saw her! I tell you I would! snapped the Younger Man.