Every book bearing on the subject in the library of his native city, was eagerly read, and his enthusiasm infected some of the wealthy citizens, who gathered for his use a very considerable collection of volumes.Indeed, it is estimated by a careful student, that the losses to the Government ephedrine spa trim in the way of direct expenditures and remission of revenues through the privateering system, amounted to a sum sufficient to have kept twenty sloops of war on the sea throughout the period of hostilities, and there is little doubt that such vessels could have actually accomplished more in the direction of harassing the enemy than the privateers.In response to this importunity, Congress at one time paid a bounty of twenty five dollars a head for all prisoners taken.Against an ephedrine spa trim attack of this sort it was, of course, futile for the General Armstrong to attempt to offer defense, and accordingly Captain Reid landed his men with their personal effects, and soon after the British began fire in the morning, scuttled the ship and abandoned her.In October, when the long twilight which precedes the polar night, had already set in, there came a fierce gale, accompanied by a tossing, roaring sea.In all ages, the minds of men of the exploring and colonizing nations, have turned toward the tropics as the ephedrine spa trim region of fabulous wealth, the field for profitable adventure.His plea, as made in a formal report to the admiralty, was that he had sent four boats to discover the character of the American vessel that they, upon hailing her, had been fired upon and suffered severe loss, and that accordingly he felt that the affront to the British flag could only be expiated by the destruction of the vessel.The British commander seemed to appreciate this fact, for every effort was made to keep the news of the battle from ephedrine spa trim becoming known in England, and when complete concealment was no longer possible, an official report was given out that minimized the British loss, magnified the number of the Americans, and totally mis stated the facts bearing on the violation of the neutrality of the Portuguese port.While the statistics in the possession of the Government are not complete, they show that twenty five hundred vessels at least were captured during the War of 1812 by these privately owned cruisers, and there can be no shadow of a doubt that the loss inflicted upon British merchants, and the constant state of apprehension for the safety of their vessels in which they were kept, very materially aided in extending among them a willingness to see peace made on almost any terms.For a few minutes they glare at each other, then the ephedrine spa trim curtain is drawn, and all is dark.