During the first twenty days of our journey he was so weak that I had to lift him on and off his riding animal.The flame of a child georgia lawyer support piece of paper would reveal them.They had passed the first line of sentinels, and the second, and were just beginning to breathe a little more freely when a sentinel rode up to within a few feet of the spot where they were lying still as death, and but slightly concealed in the tall grass.I did not think for some time that he child georgia lawyer support could live, but I bestowed as much care and attention on him as any one could have done, under the circumstances.The chief of the white men being thus killed, the rest of the party would fall easily a prey to their overpowering numbers.Thus fifteen child georgia lawyer support men under Carson, vanquished three hundred Indians.One day Carson and Godey, who were a little separated from the rest of the company, came quite unexpectedly upon a band of these warriors and instantly charged upon them.By daylight they child georgia lawyer support would have been instantly seen.Carson was directed to carry important dispatches to Washington.Seizing his gun, he rushed forward child georgia lawyer support into the thickest of the fight.Thoroughly acquainted with the Indian character, he seemed always to know the tone which it was best to assume.