If it is continued, I shall be under the necessity of shooting you.A excel api in java rendezvous had been appointed at a spot on Green river, which afforded great attractions for an encampment.Totally devoid of principle, and conscious of his muscular superiority, he was ever swaggering through the camp, dealing blows and provoking quarrels.Here again excel api in java they were unsuccessful.Carson and the mountaineers understood perfectly what this meant.At length excel api in java the festival was dissolved, and the mountaineers, breaking up into smaller bands, separated.Our disappointed but persistent trappers turned their footsteps south, and having travelled about two hundred miles, passing through one of the defiles of the Rocky mountains, they reached the head waters of the Big Snake river.But excel api in java Mr.The traders, with their horses loaded down with the furs, returned to the marts of civilization.To these eloquent speeches he made excel api in java no response, but simply demanded the return of the horses.All this had occupied but a few minutes.Mr excel api in java.At length they sent out and brought in five of the poorest and most exhausted of the horses, saying that these were all that they could or would restore.