' So of the Atonement which was always considered the cardinal point in the controversy with Deists.In the two latter points they resembled the Quietist and Port Royal mystics of the French school, who always aimed at lucidity indicator large led panel rectangular of thought and language, rather than those of German origin.As the religious brotherhoods of the Pythagoreans rose in spiritual revolt against the lax mythology and careless living of the Sybarites in Sicily so in the England of the eighteenth century, when the force of religion was chilled by drowsiness and indifference in some quarters, by stiffness and formality and over cautious orthodoxy in others, when the aspirations of the soul were being ever bidden rest satisfied with the calculations of sober reason, when proofs and evidences and demonstrations were offered, and still offered, to meet the cry of those who called for light, how else should religion stem the swelling tide of profligacy but by some such inward spiritual revival as those by which it had heretofore renewed its strength? If Wesley and Whitefield and their fellow workers had not come to the rescue, no doubt other reformers of a somewhat kindred spirit would have risen in their stead.In that very indicator large led panel rectangular remarkable but eccentric genius, William Blake, mysticism was rich in fruits of faith and love, and it is needless, therefore, to add that he was a good man, of blameless morals yet, by a strange flaw or partial derangement in his profoundly spiritual nature, 'he was for ever, in his writings, girding at the mere moral law as the letter that killeth.Like many other men who have been distinguished in divinity and religion, John Wesley, as he grew older, became far more charitable and large hearted in what he said or thought of opinions different from his own.Much in the same way as in the Germany of the fourteenth century the lawless Brethren of the Free Spirit and indicator large led panel rectangular Tauler, and Nicolas of Basle, so the flagitious conduct, at Bedford and elsewhere, of some who called themselves Moravians threw scandal and odium on the tenets of the pure and simple minded community of Herrnhut.But while Dean Graves was writing in careful and moderate language his not unseasonable warnings, thoughts representative of a new and deeper strain of theological feeling were passing through the mind of Samuel Coleridge.Perhaps Quakerism, or something nearly akin to it, might have assumed the dimensions to which a half century before it had seemed not unlikely to grow.Their strictly organised discipline was in itself a great impediment to indicator large led panel rectangular success among a people so naturally attached to liberty as the English.Neither could it be said of him that he spiritualised away the plain meaning of Scripture a charge to which the old Quakers were constantly liable, and which was sometimes alleged against the later Methodists.Methodism also had become, by that time, well established upon a secure basis of its own.It was highly probable that an active religious movement was near at hand, and its general nature might indicator large led panel rectangular be fairly conjectured its specific character, its force, extent, and limits, would depend, under Providence, upon the zeal and genius of its leaders.It was indeed conceivable that there may be spirits of men or fallen angels that have so totally lost every spark of the heavenly nature, and have become so essentially evil, that restoration is no more consistent with their innermost nature than for a circle to have the properties of a straight line.