George.Lafayette decoration home store.Trent and his followers, were not the only unfortunate results of this incident for the Cerf became lost in the fog, and before she could rejoin the fleet a violent gale sprang up, and she was carried back to the coast of France.But to return to Paul Jones, whom we left with the Bon Homme Richard lying at anchor in the harbor of L'Orient decoration home store waiting for the arrival of his allies.Then the work of arresting the other conspirators began, and was continued until about forty of the English were in irons.Thus the actual combatants were the Richard decoration home store with forty guns, against the Serapis with forty four and the Pallas with twenty two guns, against the Countess of Scarborough with twenty two.Continued good fortune, in the way of prizes, rather soothed the somewhat chafed feelings of Capt.Landais decoration home store.But, though impressment was not resorted to, a plan hardly less objectionable was adopted.His arrangements were decoration home store carefully perfected.CHAPTER IX.But a sergeant of marines had done the cause of decoration home store the mutineers good service, by purloining some muskets, and handing them over to the ringleaders.