It is said that Buddha remembered five hundred of his previous births.Therefore we ought to regard it as a great blessing cultural event italy rome that we do not recollect our past lives and past deeds.Theresa Milanolla played the violin with such skill that many people thought that she must have played before her birth.As such, the theory that cannot explain satisfactorily cultural event italy rome the cause of the moral and spiritual nature of man cannot be accepted as a complete theory.This leads up to the same thing which is taught by the theory of Reincarnation, or, in other words, if it be possible for this young man to remain in the form of a protoplasm and inherit all these things before his birth, why cannot we believe that the soul or the subtle body of this young man possessed them from the very beginning? According to Vedanta this young man was not the creature of his grandfather, but he had his own independent existence only by coming through the channel of his parents he had received certain characteristic impressions, just as a tree in its process of growth will receive from the environments certain peculiarities when it assimilates those properties.The explanation of cultural event italy rome the theologians, that the spiritual nature has been superadded to the animal nature by some extra cosmic spiritual agency is not scientific, nor does it appeal to our reason.It contains the minute particles of matter or ethereal substance and the life principle or vital energy by which we live and move.Although this theory was known in the East by the ancient Vedanta philosophers, by the Buddhists of cultural event italy rome the pre Christian era and by the Greek philosophers in the West, still it has received a new impetus and has grown with new strength since the introduction of the Darwinian theory of the evolution of species.Therefore, Vedanta does not say that the death of the body will end the attraction or the attachment of two souls but as the souls are immortal so their relation will continue forever.True love cultural event italy rome survives death and continues to grow, to become stronger and stronger.Therefore we shall get other bodies, sooner or later.His musical cultural event italy rome talents were so great that he composed music for himself and played his own compositions.Sometimes after hearing a new piece of rapid music once, he could reproduce it note for note.