He had long been a warm advocate of the doctrines of the Reformation and having, in the wars with the Turks, acquired a great reputation for military capacity and courage, and being also a man of great powers of eloquence, and of exceedingly popular manners, he had become quite the idol of the Protestant party.The Catholics now appealed to Matthias, and he insanely revived the ban against the Protestants, and commissioned Albert, Archduke of Cologne, a bigoted Catholic, to march with an army to fafsa phone number Aix la Chapelle and enforce its execution.He was, by nature, a despot, and most reluctantly, for the sake of grasping the reins of power, he had relinquished a few of the royal prerogatives.This success emboldened them to unite in fafsa phone number a strong, wide spread confederacy for the protection of their rights.He was so silly as to try to win them again to his cause.He was a fafsa phone number genuine bigot, sincere and conscientious.Just at this time a Turkish envoy arrived at Vienna, proposing a truce for twenty years.In sullen indignation he submitted fafsa phone number to the outrage.With an armed band they entered the palace at Vienna, seized the cardinal in the midst of the court, stripped him of his robes, hurried him into a carriage, and conveyed him to a strong castle in the midst of the mountains of the Tyrol, where they held him a close prisoner.He fafsa phone number became so thoroughly imbued with the spirit of his monastic education, that he was anxious to assume the cowl of the monk, and enter the order of the Jesuits.The die is thrown.His plans had fafsa phone number signally failed.