Inquiry proved that the demonstration was the work of agents provocateurs in the pay of the French Secret Service which acted in the interest of M.Zaimis's deposition on oath at the judicial investigation instituted coyote hunting decoys by the Venizelos Government in 1919.M.For coyote hunting decoys this statement we have M.Whether these orders were never forwarded, or whether they reached their destination too late, is not quite clear.Venizelos's efforts, and thanks to the efforts of his adversaries, his breach with the King had become public, and 108 the division of the nation had coyote hunting decoys now attained to the dimensions of a schism Royalists against Venizelists.But again, as in May, the Frenchman treated the friendly hint with scornful suspicion.In the night of 10 September all the men with their belongings gathered on the sea front ready to coyote hunting decoys leave.But in the afternoon he intimated that this was due to a misunderstanding, and that they should leave the same night.Zaimis's soundings coyote hunting decoys of the Entente Powders.Zaimis said that, if M.Colonel Hatzopoulos, perceiving that compliance meant captivity in the hands of the Bulgars, asked that, as his instructions were that coyote hunting decoys all the troops should concentrate at Cavalla, and as he could not act otherwise without orders from the King, he might be 119 allowed to send a messenger to Athens via Monastir.