He had changed his name but, getting into some difficulty, in consequence of which he must go to jail, unless he could find friends, he was constrained to tell his name, and who were his parents and in this way his good father, whom he had so much abused, learning his son's condition, stepped in to his aid, and saved him from confinement in a prison.Now, unless you are sufficiently brave not to care if others do laugh at you unless you have sufficient courage to say no, when others couplet poems examples tempt you to do wrong, you will be always in difficulty such a person never can be happy or respected.It was a beautiful afternoon, late in the autumn, as the large party of boys assembled at the house of their friend.How important it is then that, in early youth, you should acquire the habit of triumphing over temptation, and of resolutely discharging all your duties! It is important for you to couplet poems examples remember that obedience requires of you, not only to do as you are bidden, but to do it with cheerfulness and alacrity.They affect our interests and our happiness in that eternal world to which we are all rapidly going.It does couplet poems examples make a great difference.At times it will require a great mental struggle, and call into exercise all the resolution you possess.When they arrived at home, their couplet poems examples father and mother met them with a smile.The child who has established principles of firm integrity who has that undaunted resolution which can face opposition and brave ridicule bids fair to rise to eminence in usefulness and respect.The flames rolled on he would not go, Without his father's word That couplet poems examples father, faint in death below, His voice no longer heard.You will rove, in inexpressible delight, through the green pastures of that blissful abode.His countenance seems to couplet poems examples say, Dear mother, do not cry if ever I grow up to be a man, you shall never want, if I can help it.Oh, it is a dreadful thing to practice deceit.She loves her couplet poems examples boy so well, that she would be willing to die, to make him happy.You think she is cruel, when, in fact, she is as kind as she can be.