Many friends his loss do weep, but homewards he doth creep, God's mercies to narrate, and his own surprising fate, Praise ye the Lord, dear friends, for His mercy never ends, and to His servants good intends.Peace, cease thy folly, or, as cabinet hidden hinge I live, and my ancestor Asmodeus, I will seize thee with my little finger, and will show thee the city of David.In his old age his feet were paralyzed, and he could not leave his bed the dead passed his doors, and he sighed that he could not rise to display his wonted respect.And he sent for his only daughter, then with child and she stretched forth her hand to take a rose, and a serpent that lay in the dish leapt at cabinet hidden hinge her and startled her, and she died before night.And the people knew that honoring his father had atoned for his transgressions.I know a means by which I shall bring that husband of thine to his senses, so that thou shalt suffer no reproach, and he shall never love any other cabinet hidden hinge woman than thee.The king heard a woman at prayer.Thus Enan is metamorphosed from cabinet hidden hinge a public demon into something of a domestic saint.Hence, to those who do not read Zabara in the original, he is more easily appreciated as a conteur than as an imaginative writer.A fool quarrelled with a cabinet hidden hinge sage.Thou fearest God and lovest me, my friend.To music's pleasant staves, the cabinet hidden hinge son doth homeward wend.A philosopher sat by the target at which the archers were shooting.Thy presence, cabinet hidden hinge said the sufferer.