Immense as these numbers are, they were still further increased, as the army moved on, by Xerxes's system of compelling the forces of every kingdom and province through which he passed to join the expedition so that, at length, when the Persian king fairly entered the heart of the Greek territory, Herodotus, the great narrator of his history, in summing up the whole number of men regularly connected with the army, makes a total of about five millions of men.B ct scan molar pregnancy.I was afraid, replied Demaratus, from the first, that, by speaking the truth, I should offend you.The less resistance you ct scan molar pregnancy meet with, and the further you consequently advance, the worse it will be for you.Some of them were highly civilized, others were semi barbarous tribes and, of course, they presented, as marshaled in long array upon the plain, every possible variety of dress and equipment.A very full enumeration of these divisions of the army is given by ct scan molar pregnancy the historians of the day, with minute descriptions of the kind of armor which the troops of the several nations wore.He only smiled, therefore, at Demaratus's fears, and dismissed him.The officers drove forward men and beasts alike by the lashes of their whips every one struggling, under the influence of such stimulants, to get ct scan molar pregnancy forward while fallen animals, broken wagons, and the bodies of those exhausted and dying with excitement and fatigue, choked the way.Burial of the engineer.They were all carefully selected soldiers, and they ct scan molar pregnancy enjoyed very unusual privileges and honors.Artabanus replied that he most sincerely hoped that the prognostications of the vision would prove true, but that he had still great apprehensions of the result.Xerxes wished to know what they ct scan molar pregnancy were.The quota of ships which Caria was to furnish was five.Your granaries and magazines will soon be exhausted, and then, as no country whatever that you can pass through will have resources of food adequate ct scan molar pregnancy for such a multitude of mouths, it seems to me that your march must inevitably end in a famine.Herodotus adds that, besides the five millions regularly connected with the army, there was an immense and promiscuous mass of women, slaves, cooks, bakers, and camp followers of every description, that no human powers could estimate or number.