This heart shall not break, I swear it shall not! Leah has gone fled with a Christian dog, to become his wife.Don't let the ceasar millan dog whisperer 'red skins' surprise you while I am gone.I shall never use their contents.CHAPTER ceasar millan dog whisperer XXVII.Mordecai smote his breast, tore his silvery locks, and bowed in grief as the fatal letter fell from his trembling hand.The usual garrulity of the soldiers was checked by the recollection of their ceasar millan dog whisperer dead comrades, so recently laid to rest in soldiers' graves.NIGHT gathered around the Queen City with dark and sombre fold, after the chilly October day previous to the one appointed for Leah Mordecai's departure for Europe a night whose ominous gloom seemed to pervade the innermost apartment of the banker's home.Hear this my ceasar millan dog whisperer oath.Mordecai regathered his strength, summoned the forces of his pride, revenge, and hatred, dispelled all traces of his sorrow, steeled himself for the duty before him, and with a heart of stone in a bosom of adamant, took up the letter and descended the stairs to the waiting family below.Are you ready, dear? ceasar millan dog whisperer At these words Leah trembled, and faltered Yes.At any rate, I hope all will remain peaceful and tranquil till I go home and return.It is the last, ceasar millan dog whisperer thought she, for many a long day, maybe forever, and I can smile in sincerity.My blessing shall never rest upon her, living or dying.Emile will ceasar millan dog whisperer come at twelve.