A short distance before reaching the gates of Basle, the train stopped at what seemed at first to be a station.Rollo paid the money, fringe outdoor tv antenna and then he and Carlos went down stairs.The coachman, without leaving his seat, reached his arm down and fastened the door and then drove away.Now, said Rollo, as they went out of the antechamber together, the first thing is to go and ask the master of the hotel what we fringe outdoor tv antenna are to do.But, on reflecting a little upon the subject, he usually soon succeeded in extricating himself from the difficulty and then he was always quite proud of having done so, and was pleased with his uncle George for having given him the opportunity.Mr fringe outdoor tv antenna.Rollo took the memorandum, and, thanking the man for his information, led Carlos out to the carriage.This room was beautifully finished and richly adorned, fringe outdoor tv antenna and the splendid sofas and ottomans which were ranged about the sides of it were occupied by well dressed ladies and gentlemen, carrying shawls, greatcoats, and small travelling bags upon their arms, and exhibiting other similar indications of their being travellers.After crossing a sort of passage way, he opened another door, which ushered him at once into a very large hall, the aspect of which quite bewildered him.The woman in charge knew at once what he wanted, and, without waiting to hear him finish fringe outdoor tv antenna the question which he began to ask, directed him to the second story on the right.Carlos, said he, pointing to it, that must be the place for us.The soldier then resumed his seat, and Rollo and Carlos walked on slowly up fringe outdoor tv antenna the hall.George.