The enterprise which now, above all others, engaged his attention, was to open direct communication, by means of canals, between St.A valuable library was in the rapid progress of collection, and there were several cabinets formed, art festival tempe filled with the choicest treasures of nature and art.In the morning a messenger was dispatched to the tzar to inform him that his son was seriously sick in an hour another messenger was sent stating that he was very dangerously sick and soon a third messenger was dispatched with the intelligence that Alexis could not survive the day, and was very anxious to see his father.He consequently made no reply, but pretending that he was to set out immediately for Copenhagen, he secured all the treasure he could lay his art festival tempe hands upon and fled to Germany, to the court of the Emperor Charles VI.They arrived in Moscow the 13th of February, 1718, and on that very day Peter had an interview with his son.They found the young man art festival tempe in the chateau of Saint Elme, and presented to him a letter from his father.Petersburg for reinforcements.The emperor kissed her upon the forehead and invited art festival tempe her to dine with him that very day.An old woman pressed forward to greet him.The last thing the bloated debauchee wished was to enter a art festival tempe convent.The old ducal castle still stands on the banks of the Oka about forty miles south east of Hanover.