The Confederates were still in the vicinity, promiscuously wandering about, perhaps but, none the less, determined to check, if possible, the Federal further progress for they knew that only by holding the territorial vantage, which they had secured through gross Federal negligence months before, could they hope to maintain intact the Indian alliance with the Southern States.They accomplish conversion digital microfiche the feat of regular time step equal to any white soldier, they form in line with dispatch and with great precission and what is more they now manifest a great desire to learn the entire white man's disiplin in military matters.Some of these are unable to be soldiers.John Ross, conversion digital microfiche Prin'l Chief, Cherokee Nation.As finally organized, the First Brigade was put under the command of Colonel Salomon and the Second, of Colonel William R.From Neosho, Stand Watie moved down, by slow and destructive stages, through conversion digital microfiche Missouri and across into Indian Territory.EARL VAN DORN, Major General.S conversion digital microfiche.Stand Watie, with his Cherokees, scouts along the whole northern line of the Cherokee country from Grand Saline to Marysville, and sends me information continually of every movement of the enemy in Kansas and Southwestern Missouri.I think I have fully settled the fact of conversion digital microfiche the Indians capability and susceptibility to arive at a good state of military disipline.When Blunt took command of the Department of Kansas, Colonel Frederick Salomon of the Ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry was in charge at Fort Scott and the troops there or reporting there were, besides eight companies of his own regiment, a part of the Second Ohio Cavalry under Colonel Charles Doubleday, of the Tenth Kansas Infantry under Colonel William F.Among conversion digital microfiche the prisoners was Clarkson himself.Such conduct was to be expected of primitive people, who invariably incline towards the side of the victor but, in this case, it was most disastrous to the Confederate Indian alliance.