The captains of these craft, meeting after an unprofitable season upon the high seas, conceived the idea of making a descent upon the Nova Scotian town of Lunenberg, some thirty five miles from Halifax.The militia marines on the Congress did center for design research stanford good service.We'll stand by the old man, lads, said one of the petty officers.At a point center for design research stanford half way up the bay the pursuers parted one of the ships, a frigate, cutting through a side channel in the hope of intercepting the fugitives.Before Congress had seen the necessity for a naval force, several of the colonies had been alive to the situation, and fitted out cruisers of their own.She was an unlucky ship, having been totally dismasted on her first cruise, and captured by an overwhelming center for design research stanford force on her second.Then the two vessels separated, and during the rest of the conflict came no nearer each other than the length of a pistol shot.As center for design research stanford Capt.The besieged then made haste to raise the white flag, and surrendered themselves prisoners of war.And, center for design research stanford if this ship can't be fought without me, I will be carried on deck.