During all this time, Mrs.He can go forward peaceably malay to english translation dictionary and quietly, and while his own success is greatly increased, he may be of essential service to the cause in which he is engaged, by making known his various experiments and plans to others.You can hear their excuses, and then decide.It would evidently, continued the teacher, malay to english translation dictionary be the easiest for me to leave this subject, and do nothing about it.This principle has been kept in view, the reader may perhaps think, too closely, in all the chapters of this volume almost every point brought up, having been illustrated by anecdotes and narratives.A malay to english translation dictionary young lady, I will imagine, wishes to introduce the study of Botany into her school.If properly written they would be read with interest and profit by multitudes of parents, and would throw much light on family government and instruction.It ought also to be considered that upon the parents will come the consequences of the good or bad education of their children, and not malay to english translation dictionary upon the teacher, and consequently it is right that they should direct.It is evident from the reports, that many of you do so but some do not.A good teacher will, however, soon secure their confidence, and they malay to english translation dictionary will acquiesce in his opinion.They worked for them, and paid for them.Let it be understood, malay to english translation dictionary however, that these cases are not selected with reference to their being strange, or extraordinary.