B 222, footnote Guerrillas Indian approved by Pike, 22 and footnote, 112 not present in Sherman's march, 44 Halleck interested in suppression of, 101 operations checked by Hindman in Indian Territory, 194 Quantrill and, raid Black Bob lands and Olathe, 205 policy of Confederate government towards, 205, footnote attacks disturb Shawnees, 236, footnote raid Cherokee refugee camp on Drywood Creek, 213 214 everywhere on Indian frontier, 260 perpetrate Baxter Springs Massacre, 304 are recruiting stations in certain counties of Missouri, 304, footnote Hadley, Jeremiah 236, footnote Halleck, Henry W in command of Department of Missouri, 27 plans for Denver, 71 disparaging remarks, 75, footnote probable reason for objecting to use of Indians in war, 75, footnote in charge of Department of Mississippi, 96 Lincoln's estimate of, 96 instructed regarding First Indian Expedition, 100 opposed to arming Indians, 101 interested in suppression of jayhawkers and guerrillas, 101 well rid of Kansas, 106, footnote disregard of orders respecting Indian Expedition, 109 calls for men, 259 Hallum, John work cited, 149, footnote Halpine, Charles G 96 Hanly, Thomas B 176 Hardin, Captain 276, footnote Harlan, David M 232, footnote Harlan, James 214 and footnote Harper's Ferry Investigating Committee 226 227 Harrell, J.) 181 182, 198 Leavenworth Daily Conservative 58, footnote marketing online optimal Lee, Robert E 186, footnote, 187 Lee, R.8 or 1.S 207, footnote Herndon, marketing online optimal W.Sampson Folsom, 152 ordered to Fort Gibson, 155 men unanimously renlist for duration of war, 328 demands, 328 First Creek Regiment commanded by D.) 330 Fort marketing online optimal Washita (Okla.B.) 162, footnote, 177 Van Dorn, Earl 14, footnote, 20, 25, 26, 34, 35, 36 appointment, 19 failure to credit Indians in report, 31 and footnote, 148 orders Indians to harass enemy on border of own country, 35 36, 110 telegraphic request to Davis, 127, footnote, 186 diverts and appropriates Pike's supplies, 147 148 and footnote hopes Price will be successor, 185 Vann's Ford 144 Vaughan, marketing online optimal Champion 305, footnote Vaughn, Richard C 218, footnote Verdigris River 76, 79, 80, 85, 142, 144, 145, 210 211, footnote, 273, footnote tributary of Arkansas, 22 Verdigris Valley 79, 85 Vernon County (Mo.It may only be used on or associated in any way with an electronic work by people who agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.Creating the works from public domain print editions means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, marketing online optimal so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties.C below.E marketing online optimal.Joseph) 74, footnote, 116, 230 St Louis Republican 75, footnote Salomon, Frederick colonel of Ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, 118 in command at Fort Scott, 118 left in command at Baxter Springs by Weer, 121 in charge of First Brigade, First Indian Expedition, 125 instructions to, with respect to Indian policy of U.