The theory of Resurrection ignores all these ultimate conclusions of modern science., Kapila, the father of Hindu Evolutionists, explained this theory for the first common knowledge scholarship fund time through logic and science.But the moment that any individual, after passing through all the stages of the spiritual nature, reaches the ultimate point of perfection, he realizes his true nature which is immortal and divine.But when the ancient Jews were common knowledge scholarship fund conquered by the Persians, 536 B.Huxley says To say nothing of Indian Sages to whom Evolution was a familiar notion ages before Paul of Tarsus was born.At every step of that common knowledge scholarship fund process it is gaining different experiences which last only for a time.Once on a time at a certain place a prisoner was released and set free through the kindness of a tyrant.Can we common knowledge scholarship fund call this an act of mercy! The doctrine of Reincarnation says that each individual soul is potentially perfect and is gradually unfolding its powers and making them actual through the process of Evolution.The theory of a miraculous resurrection is attended with the belief that the individual soul does not exist before birth.