Now what can the gardener do? There are obviously two courses.The Fellenberg school at Hofwyl was perhaps, by its direct results, as successful for a time as any other institution in the world but there is a great biography on willa cather offset to the good which it has thus done to be found in the history of the thousand wretched imitations of it which have been started only to linger a little while and die, and in which a vast amount of time, and talent, and money have been wasted.After some time, he finds that one class has lost its interest in this study.The biography on willa cather science is to be carried forward by such men.The more difficulty you may find in gaining the eminence, the less likely will you be to be followed by successful competitors.What I wish is not to discourage such efforts they ought to be encouraged to the utmost but to have their real nature and design, and the real secret of their success fully understood, and to have the teacher, above all, take good care that all his new plans are made, not the substitutes for the great objects which he ought to keep steadily in biography on willa cather view, but only the means by which he may carry them into more full and complete effect.The experiment is worth something as a pleasant and useful change, even if it is not permanently superior to the other.At other times, as in a common district or town school, they are by law biography on willa cather organized, and the school committee chosen for this purpose are their legal representatives.If the branch which you are desiring to introduce appears to you to be an important part of education, and if it seems to you that it can be most successfully attended to in schools, then consider whether the introduction of it, and of all the other branches having equal claims, will or will not give to the common schools too great a complexity.I have a reputation at stake, and this work, if I do it even at your direction, will be considered as a specimen of my taste and of biography on willa cather my planning, so that I must, in justice to myself, decline remaining in your employment.Examples almost innumerable of these things might be particularized, if it were proper, and it would be found, upon examination, that the amount of ingenuity and labor wasted upon such attempts would have been sufficient, if properly expended, to have elevated very considerably the standard of education, and to have placed existing institutions in a far more prosperous and thriving state than they now exhibit.If it is a school book which you are wishing to introduce, consider well before you waste your time in preparing it, and your spirits in the vexatious work of getting it through the press whether it is, for general use, so biography on willa cather superior to those already published as to induce teachers to make a change in favor of yours.Far from it.If you take an academy or a private school, constituted and organized like other similar biography on willa cather institutions, success in your own will give you influence over others.It is their work it is going on at their instance and at their expense, and the power of ultimate decision on all disputed questions must, from the very nature of the case, rest with them.