Miss Edgarton, he said, believe me, there's not one thing to day under God's heaven that does interest me except the weather! The weather? mused little Eve Edgarton thoughtfully.But nothing seemed to concern little fairmont royal york toronto ontario Eve Edgarton except that spreading circle of half drowned papers.Now and again a slippery stone tripped the roan's fumbling feet.My fairmont royal york toronto ontario mother's dead, you know.Indiscreet? she repeated monotonously.Again the lifted fairmont royal york toronto ontario lantern light flashed disconcertingly across his face and shoulders.I hate clever people! she asserted passionately.No? Oh, I'm sorry, fairmont royal york toronto ontario Mr.Oh, let's go home! he suggested hysterically.It's nothing but fairmont royal york toronto ontario my paper doll book.His sun scorched eyes seemed fairly shriveling with the glare.In his sticky fingers the bridle rein itched like so fairmont royal york toronto ontario much poisoned ribbon.Desperately he began to mop his forehead.Creakily under their hot, chafing saddles the sweltering roans lurched off suddenly through a great snarl of bushes into a fern shaded spring hole and stood ankle deep in the boggy grass, guzzling noisily at food and drink, with the chunky gray crowding greedily against first one rider fairmont royal york toronto ontario and then the other.